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travelling or receiving your loved ones at changi airport? navigate through singapore changi airport with ease by using the ichangi app. receive your flight’s latest updates, discover places to eat, drink, shop or explore world-class facilities and services.
here are some of the key features which will be useful to you:
receive real-time updates on flight status and gate changes, and share your flight information with family and friends.
earn and redeem changi rewards points easily with the changi rewards e-card.
let your boarding pass take you places. scan your boarding pass to obtain key flight details and be informed of facilities, services, shopping and dining options that are near your departure gate.
browse changi airport’s wide selection of world-class retail stores, dining outlets, facilities and services.
personalise your changi experience with the onechangi id, which enables you to connect and transact on changi airport’s digital portals conveniently with just one username and password.
receive the latest promotions, events and travel deals offered by changi airport.
enhanced search function to retrieve the information you need quickly and efficiently.
continued use of gps running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life
app optimisation and fixes
- 下载地址
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- 9秒单最新版
- 10哆啦赚官方版
- 11宁夏综评官方版
- 12WinRAR手机版
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